
February 16, 2011

Single Family Village Annual Meeting set for April 28, 7:00pm

Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association will hold its Annual Meeting April 28, 2011, 7:00pm at Hugo City Hall.  All homeowners are asked to attend.  The annual meeting is a great time to speak with your Board, ask questions or raise concerns.  In the past, the meetings have included information about new construction planned for our neighborhood, the association's financial standing, and elections Board Directors.  Directors will also have updates to share from the Master Association and the Events Committee.  More information will be available as the meeting date draws closer.

The Single Family Village Board is also meeting on March 15, 7:00pm at the Neighborhood Activity Center to for its quarterly meeting.  Residents are always welcome to attend.

UPDATE: Previously the SFV Board meeting date was incorrect.  
The correct date is Tuesday, March 15. Thanks to Julie and John for catching my error.