
March 11, 2011

Potential Master Rules Change - Trash Container Storage

Last night the Master Board discussed potential changes to the Master Rules concerning storage of trash, garbage, and recycling containers on days other than pick-up days. Currently, there is no uniformly enforced policy.  Each sub-association has enforced rules differently.

A proposal to set one, uniform Master Rule covering all sub-associations was made.  The proposed new Master Rule would apply to all sub-associations/ all residents and require that trash and recycling containers be stored inside garages on all days other than pick-up day.  The exact proposed language was:
Trash, garbage, and other waste shall be kept only in covered sanitary containers, and shall be disposed of in a clean and sanitary manner.  Containers are to be kept in the garage at all times except on pick-up day.  Containers are to be returned to the garage as soon as possible after being emptied.

Arguments were made for and against the rule change by Board members and residents in attendance. The Board tabled a vote on the issue and will take up the matter again at it's next Master Board meeting.