
April 19, 2011

Single Family Village Annual Meeting set for April 28, 7pm at Hugo City Hall

Please join us next Thursday for Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association's Annual Meeting, April 28 - 7:00pm at Hugo City Hall.  Your presence at this meeting is very important.

Those attending the meeting will learn about:
  • New construction in our neighborhood
  • New Pool & Activity Center policies
  • The upcoming season's social events schedule
  • Arbre Park tree updates
  • Important association financial information
  • Clarification of the dues collection policy. (late notices, attorney letters, & lien filings)
  • Master Association news
  • Groundwater remediation update

Two Director positions open:
This year's election will be a little different than in years past.
  • One Director's position term is expiring on the SFV Board.  Julie Bixby is currently serving out the term in this position and has expressed interest in serving another term on the Board.
  • Ron Mehl, of Neighborhood Development Partners has informed the Board that he will resign his Director's position, leaving his 3-year term 1-year early.  When a vacancy occurs, as in Ron's case, the Board selects a replacement to fill out the term left by the vacancy.  In this case, the Board has agreed to fill Ron's vacancy with the candidate with the elections' second most votes.
  • Owners are encouraged to nominate other potential candidates for these positions. Please ensure whomever you nominate will accept the nomination. Owners can nominate themselves if they wish.  Another Neighborhood Development Partners representative has expressed interest in running for the Board.   
Everyone should've received their official mailings already for this meeting.  If you can't make it Thursday night, it would be very helpful if you could send Kari Miller your proxy form.