
March 29, 2011

Volunteers Needed for Easter Event!

The Victor Gardens events committee will be hosting a neighborhood-wide Easter Egg Hunt this year on Saturday, April 16th starting at 3PM in Arbre Park. An invitation will be posted/emailed out shortly!

The Easter Bunny is looking for assistants to join us at the VG Activity Center on Tuesday, April 12th starting at 6:30P to help fill the eggs that were so generously donated to the neighborhood by Carol, one of our residents.

Please consider taking even 30 minutes of your evening to help us out on the 12th. This should be a great event for everyone and we're very low on volunteers to help get the eggs ready for the big hunt!

Please email Julie Bixby ( if you can help us out on the 12th getting the plastic eggs filled.

Thanks in advance!