
April 8, 2011

Master Association Meetings Scheduled

Two Master Association meetings were scheduled today.  The next Master Board Meeting will be held at Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center, June 9, 2011, at 6:00pm.  The Master Association's Annual Meeting will be held at Hugo City Hall, June 23, at 6:00pm.  More information will be posted as the dates approach.

Our Google calendar includes these and other upcoming neighborhood events and meetings.  Check it out here.

April 4, 2011

Victor Gardens Garage Sales

I've received a few inquiries lately regarding the garage sale weekend that we've had these past few years in Victor Gardens. In the past, the Events group has funded the costs for this (advertising/signage). Unfortunately, we will NOT be hosting the annual garage sales this year. The number of households participating has gone down over the years and it just didn't seem to be a smart choice to use events money to fund this event any more (we will revisit this again next year if it sounds like more residents are interested).
Of course residents are always welcome to host their own sales or partner with neighbors to host a multi-household sale. Since we have not allocated any funds to pay for the signage or advertising for these sales, residents would need to do so at their own expense.
The events group does have some GREAT things planned for everyone... Stay tuned for a calendar of events for the year. Movie Nights, National Night Out, Adults only events, and more!
Stay tuned...
Any questions... please email me directly at