
May 27, 2011

Movie Night in the Park set for Friday, June 10 - Despicable Me

Friday, June 10th 
Val Jean Park

Movie Night is back!
Check in case of rain.  Rain date will be Saturday, June 11.

Pool Opens Today!

It's time to enjoy your pool! 

Do have a little bit of fun... why not try a little synchronized swimming?
Do use your key fob to access the pool throught the Neighborhood Activity Center.  

Don't open the doors for non-residents, or hold the gate open for people you don't know.  
Don't fall for the old line, "I left my key at my house...can you let me in?"

Remember a few basic rules for everyone's safety and fun...

2. The swimming pool and water park are for the exclusive use of the members of Victor Gardens Community Association and their guests. The maximum number of guests per household is four.
3. The Victor Gardens Community Association, its officers, directors and agents assume no responsibility for injuries.
4. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
5. People who cannot swim must wear lifejackets while in the pool.
6. Diving, running, wrestling, horseplay and throwing objects are absolutely prohibited.
7. Showers are required before entering the pool.
8. Persons who have infections or communicable diseases must not enter the pool.
9. Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.
10. Smoking is not allowed in or around the pool area along with the Activity Center.
11. No Food or Glass bottles are allowed in the pool area.
12. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool area.
13.* Drunkenness is not allowed and any intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the pool area.
14.* In order to keep the pool area pleasant for everyone, radios, tape players, CD players and other audio devices must be played only with earphones. Loudspeakers are prohibited.
15. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
16. Pool hours are 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. (during pool season)
17.* All pool toys must be removed from the pool each night, toys left in the pool will damage the pool’s mechanical system. (No Inflatable flotation devices are allowed in the pool except water wings, life jackets or infant/small children flotation seats.)
18.* All access to the pool area must be through the Activity Center. The gate is to be used for emergency purposes only.
19. Spitting, spouting water from the mouth, and blowing noses in the pool are prohibited.
20. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke anyone’s pool privileges for not following these pool rules.
21. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors may amend these pool rules at any time, without notice. You can contact Community Development for the most current and up-to-date rules.
* Indicates a new rule or significant change to previous rules.
These rules were adopted by the Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors July 21, 2010

May 23, 2011

VGCA (Master Association) Annual Meeting Rescheduled

Originally scheduled for June 23, the Victor Gardens Community Associations' Annual Meeting will likely be held at 6pm, June 29, 2011 at City Hall.  Date/time will be confirmed soon.