
July 14, 2011

Events Committee Meeting TONIGHT (7/14) change in location

We will not be able to meet up by the pool this evening (due to rain) for the events committee members coming to discuss/plan National Night Out. Originally I had thought about having the rain back up be my home but instead let's all meet at Dunn Brothers (the one in our neighborhood adjacent to Festival Foods).
See you at 7P tonight... thanks!
Julie Bixby

July 12, 2011

For those interested in helping the events committee...

For anyone interested in helping plan our annual National Night Out, please meet up at the Pool this Thursday, July 14th at 7P. We'll be sitting outside at one of the tables. In case of rain, please meet at my house (4429 Cosette Lane North).
As the date gets closer, we'll send out another notice asking for volunteer help (set up, clean up, etc....). This is a very well-attended neighborhood-wide event each year so the more help we have, the better it is for everyone!
Any questions... feel free to send me an email (

July 11, 2011

VG Social Committee Announces National Night Out on Aug. 2nd!

Save the date for Tuesday, August 2nd for our annual celebration of National Night Out. More details to follow but plan on festivities beginning around 6P in Arbre Park!