
November 23, 2011

Goetz Landscape's Offers Free Lighting Estimates

Goetz Landscape is offering FREE Holiday Light estimates to all Victor Garden Residents. 

We can either hang your own lights for you or provide commercial grade LED lights.  As an appreciation of Victor Gardens residents using a local company for their Holiday Light provider, Goetz Landscape will donate 5% of total proceeds to the Hugo Food Shelf just in time for the Holidays.  

Please contact Goetz Landscape @ 651-426-2136 or

November 22, 2011

Rottlund Homes Will Close By The End of the Year

Last week, Victor Gardens Master Board was notified that Todd Stutz, a Master Board Director, had resigned.  Over the last few years, Mr. Stutz represented a few of Victor Gardens Condo Sub-Associations while serving as Chief Operating Officer of Rottlund Homes. Until very recently, Stutz headed up the North West Village Sub-Association and represented it on the Master Board and ARC. The Master Board was informed that Rottlund Homes' Chief Financial Officer, Steve Khan was taking over Todd Stutz' responsibilities on the Master Board.

Rottlund Homes will reportedly close its business by the end of the year.  It's still unclear how this news will affect Victor Gardens North West Village Condo Association and future construction that Rottlund Homes planned.

On a personal note, I'd like to thank Todd Stutz for serving our community.  Those of us who worked with Todd on the Master Board and Master ARC valued and appreciated his contributions and expertise.

More info about Rottlund Homes closure:
Mpls. St. Paul Business Journal

November 21, 2011

Someone's Looking to Buy a Victor Gardens Home

Every once in awhile, I receive an email from someone who's interested in knowing more about building a new home or buying an existing home in Victor Gardens.

One such inquiry recently came to me. They asked my permission to post a note on this website, addressed to current owners who might be thinking of selling their home.  It's a creative approach, and I offered to post their inquiry.  Hopefully one of our residents might find the right connection with this person.

Oh and if you're wondering... this is not an ad.  I didn't ask for compensation and no-one offered to pay to post this message.

Thinking of Selling?
I have a client who is very interested in living in Victor Gardens. They can close from 30 days up to 3 months. They are looking for 3+ bedrooms, 2+bathrooms, 2+ garage stalls, 2100+ square feet.
If you are interested in selling please contact me.
David Krull

Seasonal Lighting's Looking Great!

Goetz Landscape is continuing to install the seasonal decorations and lighting throughout Victor Gardens neighborhoods.  For areas where electricity isn't available, especially at Victor Gardens entrances, Goetz is using solar lights and urns decorated with holiday greens.  The Board has heard many positive comments on the displays so far, and how they visually tie the communities together.

Anytime Fitness to Open in Old Sertino's Location

After a few weeks of demolition inside the old Sertino's Cafe, signs have appeared announcing a new Anytime Fitness center within that location.  More info is sure to follow.

*Note: Someone correctly pointed out that I listed the wrong business name for the new fitness center.  I've since corrected it.

"Closed For Fixin?"

The long-standing "Closed for Fixing" sign in front of the burned and broken down Ricci's on Highway 61 may be coming down after all... in addition to the rest of the building.  According to the Citizen, the infamous "cantina" will be demolished. 

The former Ricci's site is a desirable one on a busy intersection.  Hopefully it'll be developed soon.

Read more about it here.