
December 20, 2011

New Single Family Village Dues Collection Policy

Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association Board recently updated its sub-association's collection policy.  The best way to avoid the consequences of late payments is to set them up automatically.  Contact Kari Miller for details.

  • 1/1/11 Assesment Collections Policy (full version - details)

  • Schedule:
  • 30 days past due: Late letter plus a $25 late fee.
  • 60 days: Second late letter plus an additional $25 late fee.
  • 90 days: Third late letter plus an additional $25 late fee.
  • 120 days: Account forwarded to a collection agency or attorney.  Notification that Association intends to seek of a lien on the property.
  • 150 days: Association files a lien on the property.
  • After 30 days past due, priveledges are revoked. (Your pool key fob will be turned off.)
  • It is the owner's obligation to ensure the Association has owner's current address.

December 19, 2011

SFV Board Meeting Tonight at 6:00pm, Neighborhood Activity Center

Here's a reminder for those of you who live in the Single Family Village and would like to attend tonight's SFV Board Meeting at 6:00pm.  The meeting will be held at VG's Neighborhood Activity Center.  

Each of these Board Meetings features a Resident Forum.  This is a good way to bring questions and problems to the Board's attention.  The Board will also be available to specifically answer questions about the upcoming special assessment or about changes to the SFV's collection policy.