
January 4, 2012

Master Board Meeting Jan. 5 - Rescheduled from Dec. 8

The next meeting of the Master Board is Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012.  The meeting was rescheduled from Dec. 8, 2011.  A brief Master ARC meeting will follow.

The agenda includes:
Ryan Manning with Anytime Fitness
Dan with Goetz Landscape
Goetz Holiday lighting discussion
Financial Reports
Communication and Committee Reports
a)     ARC Committee-
b)    Long-Term Planning Committee
c)     Social Committee
Management Report
a)     Work Order Report
b)    Tax Forfeited Parcels
c)     CD Rates
d)    Flag Poles (Lighting Bids)
e)     Security Service (Semper Fi)
f)     Activity Center Cleaning Service (Go Get Fred)
g)    North Village 5th Addition at Victor Gardens