
January 13, 2012

Share Your Opinion - Ideas Wanted

I'd like to hear your opinion on a few things.  Please click the "comments" link following this text to share your opinion. Anonymous comments are allowed.*

Recently, the Master Board briefly considered a few interesting ideas for the Master Association's Common Area landscaping.  One simple suggestion offered by VG's landscape vendor, Goetz Landscape, was to unify mulch colors used in future Common Area landscaping work.  As it is now, there's a patchwork of different color mulches found throughout the Master Association's and some of VG's Sub-Association's Common Areas.  It's a simple idea to unify our neighborhood's appearance.

Other interesting ideas have been entertained in the past too. These ideas have included installing "Victor Gardens" signage to our neighborhood entrances, adding adult-only swim hours, fixing up the small vacant lot near the Activity Center, building another playground near VG's North and North West Villages, etc.

What sort of ideas would you like to see carried forward?  How would you propose they might be planned?

In the past, the Master Board had asked (unsuccessfully) for various committee volunteers. Perhaps that effort was a bit premature though.  So, in the spirit of progress, I'd like to hear your ideas that would improve our neighborhood.  It's a start.  Thanks!

- Mark

* Please ensure your comments are constructive.