
April 12, 2012

Arbre Park Volleyball Court Renovation

I've received questions about the condition of the sand volleyball court in Arbre Park.  I asked Hugo's Public Works Director, Scott Anderson about it and he informed me of the City's plan to renovate the area this year.  

According to Mr. Anderson, "Yes, the volleyball court will be re-vamped this year.  We will be removing the sand and replacing it with sod.  This will be a grass court like someone might put up in their backyard for a party.  The posts will be replaced and anchored better.  The grass is irrigated and will give a much improved appearance over the weedy sand." 

Scott Anderson and Hugo's Public Works crews do a great job for our City and our neighborhood.  VG's Master Association has a positive working relationship with them.  There are many examples of successful public/private cooperation in Victor Gardens including the maintenance and care of our Parks.