
July 17, 2012

Root Beer Floats and Ice Cream Sundaes

Root beer floats and ice cream sundaes will be served on Wed, July 18th from 6:30-7:30pm at the activity center.  Please stop by to enjoy free ice cream and say hi to some neighbors.  Remember to enjoy your treats outside of the pool area.  

Can't make it tomorrow?  Mark your calendars for these future events:
Sunday, July 22nd, 6pm: Night to Unite planning meeting at the activity center.  Please help us plan this HUGE neighborhood event.  

Tuesday, Aug 7th, 6-9pm.  Night to Unite in Arbre Park.  Join neighbors for games, treats, police & fire truck visits, bounce houses, a bike decorating contest and more.  Volunteers needed to help make this an evening to remember please contact Lisa at if you are able to help.

Thursday, Aug 16th, 6:30-7:30pm.  Another root beer float night at the pool house.