
August 30, 2012

The Nest Invites Residents to its Upcoming Events

As The Nest completes their new model home at 14327 Victor Hugo Blvd. (near Cosette Way)  they've invited Victor Gardens residents to a number of their upcoming events.

Model Home on
Victor Hugo Blvd & Cosette Way
Fall Parade of Homes
Starts Saturday/Sunday Sept 8-9, 12-6pm
And Thursday-Sunday for the rest of September

Get Started on the Green Path
Saturday, September 15, 12-6pm
Learn all about the Minnesota Green Path program and tour our Green Path certified home at the Nest in Victor Gardens.

Ladies Night at the Nest
Tuesday, September 18, 7-9pm
Join us for wine, desert and the latest fashions from CAbi at the Nest in Victor Gardens and tour our modern version of an English Arts and Crafts cottage.

Fall Family Fun
Saturday, September 29, 12-6pm
Bring the kids along for apple bobbing and decorating at the Nest in Victor Gardens and tour our Green Path certified home.

Email The Nest for more info.