
August 30, 2012

Volunteers Needed!

Do you enjoy spending time with your neighbors?  Do you like the events put on the by neighborhood?  We need your help!!!

A special thanks to our awesome neighbors (Kallie, Melinda, Amy, and Emily) who have stepped up!  We have the grill for movie night and 3 of the 4 signs covered.

We would still like one more volunteer to adopt a sign.  This person would be in charge of storing, lettering and moving a sign for neighborhood events.  A week or two before the event we would e-mail you with what needs to be placed on the sign and give you target dates for getting the sign up and down from your assigned place in the neighborhood.  Please consider volunteering to be one of our "sign people"!

If you can help please contact Lisa at or 651-646-2658.  

Upcoming events:
Friday, Sept 7th: Potluck grill night.  Around 6pm until 7:30 or so.  Bring your own meat and a dish to share.  Plates, forks, napkins, and condiments will be provided.
Friday, Sept 7th: Movie night at Valjean Park.  Movie TBA.  Will begin at dark (8pm or a bit later).
Thursday, Sept 27th (tentative): Evening golf outing at Tanner's Brook.  Detail TBD.
Friday, Oct 5th (tentative): Wine tasting in Pratt cul-de-sac.  Details TBD.