
November 16, 2012

Boulevard Tree Pruning - Are you interested in hiring a pro?

Dear Single Family Village neighbors,

As many of you know, the City of Hugo asked me to communicate with our residents about our boulevard trees. The City eventually wants to see a 12 to 15 foot clearance under each of Victor Gardens' boulevard trees. This will likely be an ongoing, multi-year effort. I posted an article regarding this on our website a few weeks ago. Click here for the full story.

Since our boulevard trees are owned by each of us individually and not by the association, residents may hire a professional to perform this service or do it themselves. Victor Gardens Master Association and its various condo sub-associations are hiring Goetz Landscape to prune their collectively owned boulevard trees.

Dan Steuernagel from Goetz Landscape asked me roughly how many Single Family Village homeowners might be interested in specially priced tree pruning this winter. Goetz would like to offer our Victor Gardens Single Family Village homeowners a deal:
For those of you who are familiar with our neighborhood's yearly discounted (bulk rate) lawn detaching, sprinkler blow-out, and core aeration services- it would work similarly:

  • Trees would be pruned for a flat per-tree price; regardless of size, age, species, etc.
  • All work would be performed by Goetz on one pre-determined "Pruning Day" in December. 
  • Homeowners would need to sign up with Goetz on before this date (granting Goetz permission to be on their property and to prune their trees). 
  • Homeowners would need to have a check and completed permission slip ready at their front door (hanging on a doorknob or under the mat) before Goetz arrived on the "Pruning Day". 
  • If no check and permission slip was left, then Goetz would not prune the trees. 

As a neighborhood, we haven't done this before. I'm a little uncertain how many trees we're talking about. Goetz Landscape could offer us a better deal if more trees were included in the "Pruning Day". Dan can set a price if he knows roughly how many homeowners are interested. More trees = a greater discount for everyone.

Here's my question for you all:  Please reply
If you're interested in Goetz Landscape per-tree pricing to professionally prune your trees and remove the pruned branches, please let me know the following:

  1. How many boulevard trees on your property would you wish to have Goetz prune?
  2. How many other deciduous (leaf dropping) trees on your property (in your front, side or back yard) would you wish to have Goetz prune?
Please email me in the next few days if you're interested, and please answer the above questions. I'll share the raw numbers with Goetz and they'll make an offer to us based on those numbers.

- Mark