
December 10, 2012

Snow Removal Update

Kari Miller sent me the following info this morning:

"I received a call from Dan at Goetz to confirm they started clearing snow at 6:00 pm Saturdayand will be finishing clean up today.  Hugo had 16 inches of snow! I have been providing homeowners that call with the following information.

Thank you

Please refer to the following Snow Fall Parameters that are required  by your Association and Vender.  You had 9+” of snow last night.

Snow Fall Parameters

2”-4” – All snowfalls of 2” or more will be plowed.  Plowing includes driveways and walkways.  Additionally, areas prone to ice buildup will receive applications of de-icing chemicals.  Snow removal will begin when substantial accumulation has ceased.

4”-9” – Single storms that are forecasted to produce accumulations of 4”-9” inches will be plowed and de-iced to allow safe travel during the first service.  Trucks will be dispatched when accumulation reaches 3.5”-4.0” at the job site.  A final plowing will be performed when substantial accumulation has ceased.  During final clean up all areas prone to ice buildup will receive applications of de-icing chemicals.

9+” – Single storms that are forecasted to produce 9” plus of accumulation will be serviced to allow a flow of traffic in/out of driveways.  Plowing will continue during the entire storm to achieve the above.  Final plowing will be performed when substantial accumulation has ceased.  During final clean up all areas prone to ice buildup will receive applications of de-icing chemicals.

The Association, working with the Contractor, reserves the right to push/pile the snow anywhere on the common areas where it is most cost effective for the Association.  This may mean that areas adjacent to individual units and/or yards may be used for the storage of plowed snow. 

Note: According to the contract city sidewalks will be plowed within 24 hrs of the completion of a snowfall.  This is done because city sidewalk is considered a non-critical service.