
April 20, 2012

Annual Meeting of VG's Single Family Village HOA

It's that time of year again for the Victor Gardens Single Family Village (SFV) annual Homeowners Association meeting. 

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 7:00 PM at Hugo City Hall’s Oneka Room, 14669 Fitzgerald Ave. N., Hugo, MN 55038. It is our goal to keep the meeting informative and brief as possible.

Last year’s Annual Meeting was poorly attended.  In order for your Homeowner’s Association to operate, residents must attend the Annual Meetings or send in their proxies.  Your cooperation is very appreciated.

Especially important is the Election. Two Directors will be elected to the SFV Board.  These Directors represent your interests in our neighborhood.  After the election, two of our SFV Directors will be appointed to represent our Association on the Master Board and Master Architectural Review Committee.

Meet your neighbors and learn more about what's happening in your neighborhood including:
  • New home construciton updates
  • New Pool & Activity Center info
  • Lots of new Social Events
  • Landscaping upgrades and Park info

We've included links to some of the important documents you've already received in the mail.   For your convenience, you may download, print, and fax/email/send your proxies to Kari Miller. :
This year the Board of Directors will update Homeowners on neighborhood news as it relates both to the Single Family Village and the Master Associations. We truly believe that providing Homeowners with this information during the meeting is beneficial to everyone. We will also leave ample time at the end of the meeting for new business and a Homeowner Forum.  This will give Homeowners an opportunity to talk about issues that are important to them.  We want to hear from you and welcome this type of involvement from our community.

Please check the day before the meeting in case of a time/location change or for any important announcements.  In the interim, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact any of your Single Family Village Board members.

We hope everyone can attend the meeting.  See you on April 24th.


Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors

April 17, 2012

Arbre Park Basketball Court Will Be Refurbished

According to Hugo's Public Works Director, Scott Anderson, the basketball court in Arbre Park will be refurbished sometime this summer.

April 16, 2012

Arts Garden Movie Event a Big Success

Last Saturday, our friend, neighbor, and founder of Arts Garden, Jill Birk put on an amazing and unique experience. She hosted a dog-themed movie event which included screening of a Charlie Chaplin silent film accompanied by live musicians! There were lots of great crafts, art projects and activities for everyone to participate in and bring home.

If my wife and kids' enthusiasm was any indication- Jill, and her Arts Garden performers and crew are on the right track. If you're interested in learning more about Hugo's (and Victor Gardens) most creative opportunities, be sure to check out Arts Gardens' website :

- Mark

Beavers Return

A resident reported new property damage caused by beavers. A few more have been spotted on the large pond near the Neighborhood Activity Center & Pool. Kari Miller has taken action on this, including informing the City of Hugo and the Rice Creek Watershed District.