
May 18, 2012

Available Lots

With the weather warming up, more people are out looking at lots and considering building within our neighborhood.  A number of great lots are now available through:

The Nest
(651) 644-2195

- and - 

Terry Forbord
Forbord Land Company LLC
(612) 868-2483

May 16, 2012

CORRECTION: Upcoming Master Association Meetings Set for June 5 at Hugo City Hall

The next Annual Meeting of Victor Gardens Community Association (The Master Assn.) will be held on June 5, 2012 at 6:00 pm at Hugo City Hall, 14669 Fitzgerald Ave. N., Hugo, MN.  Another Board meeting will follow at 7:30 pm.

May 14, 2012

Summer Events Planning

Meeting to plan summer events!  Social committee will meet at 8pm on Th, May 24th at the activity center.  We need to plan Night to Unite (National Night Out).  There was also several people who indicated on the survey that they were interested in new events... please come and we can get them onto the calendar/ into the budget!

If you have ideas to improve Night to Unite please come to the meeting!  If you cannot attend but have something to share, please e-mail Lisa at

Once the event is planned, we'll send out a volunteer signup sheet... it is a HUGE event and we need lots of people to give 30 minutes of their night!

Clearwater Creek Bridge Improved by Volunteers

Most of Val Jean Park's surviving plants were carefully removed during Saturday's renovation project then moved to the small trail foot bridge that crosses Clearwater Creek near Flora Green and Grantaire Green.  Thanks to Doug K. and Rob W. for moving them.  Phil & Dawn P. and Dawn L. installed the plants there near the bridge.  This location should be ideal for the plants they installed.

Thanks again to those volunteers who continue to improve our neighborhood.

Jardin Fountain Started

The Jardin Fountain is up and running for the season.  Gloria, Terri and Jeremy have volunteered to keep a close eye on the condition of the fountain and its water this summer.  If you notice anything amiss, please contact our Community Manager, Kari Miller to report the problem.

Also, please ask your children and other peoples children (if you see them) to not throw stones, wood chips, etc. into the fountain.  It was only running a few days and residents already reported kid-related problems. 

Let's try to keep this unique amenity looking good and maintenance costs low.


Volunteers Improved Val Jean Park

We enjoyed the great weather and working together last Saturday, renovating Val Jean park's picnic structure's landscape.    Although I didn't have an exact count, I'd estimate we had about 12-15 adult volunteers and many, many kid helpers.

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard!  Thanks also to Doug and Melissa Klamerus for donating the really nice flagstone pieces near the grill.
