
May 26, 2012

Victor Gardens' Pool is Now Open

Have a fun and safe pool season! 

A note about entering the facility:
Each home/unit owner was issued one electronic key fob to provide access to the pool and Neighborhood Activity Center. Each of those key fobs are unique. The electronic code it contains is identified with your specific home/unit.  A secure, electronic log is updated every time your key fob is swiped. All access to the Activity Center and Pool is video recorded.

Don't fall for the old line, "I left my key at home. Can you let me in?"

The Master Board may suspend or revoke your privileges:

  • If your home/unit has an outstanding dues account.
  • If you, your family members or guests allow access to anyone other than your family and up to 4 guests.
  • If your key fob is loaned to others.
  • If you, your family members or guests don’t follow the rules.

Neighborhood Activity Center & Pool Rules – Updated 2012

Remember a few basic rules for everyone's safety and fun:
  2. The swimming pool and water park are for the exclusive use of the members of Victor Gardens Community Association and their guests. The maximum number of guests per household is four.
  3. The Victor Gardens Community Association, its officers, directors and agents assume no responsibility for injuries.
  4. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
  5. People who cannot swim must wear lifejackets while in the pool.
  6. Diving, running, wrestling, horseplay and throwing objects are absolutely prohibited.
  7. Showers are required before entering the pool.
  8. Persons who have infections or communicable diseases must not enter the pool.
  9. Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.
  10. Smoking is not allowed in or around the pool area along with the Activity Center.
  11. No Food or Glass bottles are allowed in the pool area.
  12. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool area.
  13. Drunkenness is not allowed and any intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the pool area.
  14. In order to keep the pool area pleasant for everyone, radios, tape players, CD players and other audio devices must be played only with earphones. Loudspeakers are prohibited.
  15. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
  16. Pool hours are 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. (during pool season) Lap Swim: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, Open Swim: 10:00 am to 9:00pm
  17. All pool toys must be removed from the pool each night; toys left in the pool will damage the pool’s mechanical system. (No Inflatable flotation devices are allowed in the pool except water wings, life jackets or infant/small children flotation seats.)
  18. All access to the pool area must be through the Activity Center. The gate is to be used for emergency purposes only.
  19. Spitting, spouting water from the mouth, and blowing noses in the pool are prohibited.
  20. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke anyone’s pool privileges for not following these pool rules.
  21. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors may amend these pool rules at any time, without notice. You can contact Community Development for the most current and up-to-date rules.
To report unauthorized pool access, dangerous situations or vandalism, contact the Washington County Sheriff.
  • Emergency: Dial 911
  • Non-Emergency: Dial (651) 439-9381
Key fob and facility access questions should be directed to VG's Community Manager, Kari Miller at (763) 225-6424 or

May 21, 2012

Potluck Grill Out & Movie Night set for Friday, June 1

Friday, June 1 - Val Jean Park - 5:30pm
The grill will be ready around 5:30pm.  Bring your own meat to grill and a dish to share.  Plates, forks & napkins provided. Meet some new neighbors and enjoy some good food!

Stay for Movie Night - 7:30pm  
The Muppets.  Rated PG.
Popcorb, snacks and lemonade will be provided.  Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and bug spray!

In case of bad weather, check the day of the event for a rain plan, if needed.

Long Term Planning and Landscape Committee Forming - Please attend Master Meeting June 5

Thanks to Dawn LaFontsee, we're aware of a few more residents who are interested in serving their communities on Victor Gardens Long Term Planning and Landscape Committees.  We ask that these volunteers and any other interested residents please attend the next Master Board/Annual Meeting on June 5, 2012 at City Hall. The meeting begins at 6:00pm, and discussion of these subjects will likely appear on the second half of the agenda.

May 20, 2012

Pioneer Press front page features Josh Berger, and The Nest

Sunday morning's Pioneer Press has in interesting article about neighborhoods left by developers as the housing industry declined. It describes the residents who worked and invested in their communities to help turn a difficult situation around. The story features Victor Gardens resident, Josh Berger, who's designed a new model home for his company, "The Nest".  Josh worked with architects and Hugo builder, Jason Hohn to create the new home.

Check out the links below: