
October 8, 2012

ARC Meeting Rescheduled to Monday

Due to members' scheduling conflicts, Tuesday evening's ARC meeting has been cancelled.

The meeting has been rescheduled for this coming Monday, Oct. 15, 6:30pm at Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center.  Homeowners are welcome to attend these open meetings.

October 7, 2012

Beaver Damage Update

I'm sure many of you are noticing the beaver damage almost daily around our neighborhood.  The Master Association and Kari Miller have been working closely with Tom Schmidt from the Rice Creek Watershed District to resolve this problem.  Sounds like beaver trapping season doesn't officially start until 10/27/12, but Tom has applied for a special permit from the DNR which has been approved so likely he will be out early next week to assess the situation and hire a trapper.  Let's hope he gets them all so we can save our trees from ruin!

If you see any additional beaver damage or spot any dam building by the beavers, please call Tom Schmidt (763-398-3076) and/or Kari Miller to report it.