
February 23, 2013

Your Input Needed: Long-range Planning Committee Survey

The Victor Gardens long-range planning committee has been asked by the Master Association Board to provide a recommendation for a long-range capital improvement plan for the community.

Please respond to this short survey so your opinions and/or ideas may be heard. To ensure everyone has an opportunity to respond, you may receive this survey two times. It is being sent electronically to everyone who has an email on record. It is also being sent by mail to all homeowners of record. For ease of tabulation it is preferred that you respond electronically. For those who prefer to respond with the paper copy, directions for returning the survey are at the end of the survey. Two responses per household are allowed so both individuals in a household may respond, if they so choose.

The survey will remain open until March 15, 2013.

Thank you in advance for your input!

Dawn LaFontsee, Chairperson

Access the survey using this link:

Please note: This survey will be used for planning purposes only and no changes or improvements are guaranteed.