
April 7, 2013

Container Gardening Workshop

Monday, April 29th from 7-8pm at the Activity Center (pool house).
Are you interested in adding a little color to your porch or deck?  Come learn about container gardening from an expert.  Michelle Riedel is a 12 year Master Gardner, hold a BA in Speech Communications, and has published gardening articles in Northern Gardener magazine.  In May 2011 she discussed container gardening on Kare- 11's 'Grow with Kare' with Bobby and Belinda Jensen.  When not teaching, she is a professional photographer specializing in weddings, high school seniors, families, kids, babies, and newborns.

Please RSVP no later than Thursday, April 25th to if you plan to attend.  We need at least 8 people to make this event happen.