
April 23, 2013

Upcoming Spring & Summer Events in Victor Gardens

Hello Neighbors!  See the below list of spring/summer events for all of Victor Gardens!  Put them on your calendar now!!!

We need your help to make these events happen.  Please contact Kelly at or Lisa at if you are able to volunteer an hour or two of your time to make an event possible.
Cliff Notes Version- Details on website or below
Monday, April 29th 7-8pm - Container Gardening Workshop
Saturday, May 18th Dark - Movie in the park
Thursday, May 23rd 7-9pm - Olive Branch Adults Night
Fri, June 7th- Sat, June 8th - Neighborhood Garage Sales
Tuesday, June 18th 6:30-7:30 - Root Beer Float Night
Thursday, June 27th 6:00 - Summer Olympics
Thursday, July 18th 6:30-7:30- Root Beer Float Night
Tuesday, August 6th 6-8pm - National Night Out
Wed, August 21st 6:30-7:30 - Root Beer Float Night
Friday, Sept 13th Dark - Movie Night

The details and volunteer info:
Container Gardening Class- Don’t miss it!!!! 
Please RSVP to
Date: Monday, April 29th at 7pm
Place: Pool House
Details: Master Gardener Michelle Riedel providing guidance on container gardening! Michelle is a 12 year Master Gardener, holds a BA in Speech Communications, and has published gardening articles in Northern Gardener magazine. In May 2011 she discussed container gardening on Kare‐11s ‘Grow with Kare’ with Bobby and Belinda Jensen.
Everyone welcome to attend.  Please RSVP so we know how many hand outs to print.  Thank you.

Spring Movie in the Park
Date: Saturday, May 18th at dark (Note the date change from May 10th due to the long, cold spring!)
Place: Val Jean Park
Details: Come and see “Here Comes the Boom” Rated PG.  Snacks provided.  Bring your blanket or lawn chair.  Come early to get a good spot, visit with friends, and enjoy some outdoor games.
*2 volunteers needed

Olive Branch Adult Night Out
Date: Thursday, May 23rd from 7-9pm
Place: The Olive Branch in White Bear Lake. 2202 5th St #20, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (651) 653-2207
Details: The Olive Branch is an oil, spice, and vinegar shop.  Come sample their products and enjoy an evening visiting with neighbors.  Cost is $10 per person for appetizers and drinks. The first 20 people to RSVP will get free admission.  Please RSVP to Laura at: by Monday, May 20th.

Neighborhood Garage Sales
Date: June 7-8th.
If you are interested in hosting a sale or are about to help with advertising please contact Kasey at:  

Summer Olympics!!! - A NEW big event this year 
Place: Arbre Park
Date: Thursday June 27th
Kids Event for all ages!!! 
*Look for more info and sign-up information coming on the website. Lots of volunteers needed.

Summer Ice Cream Nights by the pool!
-Tuesday 6/18
-Thursday 7/18
-Wednesday 8/21
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
*2-3 volunteers per night needed.

National Night Out - Our largest event of the year
Tuesday, August 6th 6-8pm
Place: Arbre Park
Food, games, bounce houses, police and fire, glitter tattoos and more! An all ages event!
**New this year: We are inviting local businesses to sell/advertise their products for a small donation.  If you know of anyone interested, please contact  Examples include, Norwex, Thirty One Bags, Pampered Chef, cleaning services, landscaping services, etc.  Individuals and Businesses are invited.
*Lots of volunteers needed!

Fall Movie Night
Friday, September 13th at dark
Place: Val Jean Park
Movie TBD
*2-3 Volunteers needed.

Fall/Winter events…dates and times TBD
-Guys Golf Night at Tanners Brook
-Adult Holiday Party at the Blue Heron
-Family Skating Party
We need volunteers to help with these events!!!  We have a new volunteer website!
We’re using VolunteerSpot to organize our upcoming activities. Please sign up - here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact Kelly at and I can sign you up manually.
Starting this year, we’re going to have a little incentive for those of you who volunteer!  Those volunteering for 3 or more hours (through the year Jan-Dec)  will have their name placed into a drawing for a $50 gift card to Kwik Trip.  For every additional 3 hours, you get another chance! Think of the possibilities!  Use the website (volunteer spot) to volunteer so we can keep track!  Thanks so much! 

Please check the neighborhood website for changes or updates.
You can also "like" us on facebook at "Victor Gardens News".

Kelly and Lisa