
May 15, 2013

Teaching Your Child To Listen the First Time

“Teaching Your Child To Listen the First Time”
Presented by Jamie Waldvogel, MS, BCBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Owner, Behave Your Best, LLC

Our most important role as parents is to teach our children all about the world around them.
Behave Your Best, LLC is committed to empowering parents to transform even the most challenging
parenting moments into teachable moments. In this workshop, we will discuss reasons why children
don’t consistently listen, and how to break down the complex skill of listening into teachable
components. Each family in attendance will receive one complimentary 15-minute follow-up phone
consultation 1-2 weeks after the workshop.

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013, 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
KinderGardens, 14665 Mercantile Drive N, Hugo MN 55038
Sign-Up sheet located at KinderGardens Front Desk
OR RSVP: 612-224-1051
$10 per person or $15 per family