
July 17, 2013

Master Board Meeting Tonight, 6:00pm

Victor Gardens Community Association
3rd Quarter 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
July 17, 2013 6:00pm
Victor Gardens Activity Center
Meeting Agenda

1) Call to Order
2) Review and Approve Minutes from (4/10/13) Meeting (Secretary to sign)
3) Homeowner Forum
4) Consent Agenda
a) Semper Fi, Jardin Fountain pump replacement, Jardin Fountain monthly maintenance,
annuals for 2013, Lake Mgmt Victor Pond contract, Floating Fountain Victor Hugo pond
– Dulcet, Improvements at bridge near Creek Side-Goetz, appoint Al Kasper to the ARC,
tree replacements – Birch, clock tower replacement - Elements
5) Management Financial Reports
a) Balance Sheet
b) Income Statement
c) General Ledger
d) Accounts Payable
e) Investment Schedule
6) Management Report
a) Work Order Report
b) Shannon to provide report on findings of pond responsibility on north side
(interest in installing a fountain)
c) Follow up on beaver activity and progress with FTTH cable
d) Trim Painting Bid Analysis
e) Poets Green
i) Irrigation and mulch
ii) Fountain Inspection
f) Management of downed trees – discussion
g) Bid out current land/snow agreement – discussion
h) Request to change wording on number of guest rules at the pool
7) Committee Reports
a) ARC Committee
i) ARC Fining Policy?
b) Long-term Planning Committee
c) Social Committee
d) Landscape Committee
8) Review of Action Items & Time Frames for Completion
9) Set Date for Next Meeting (10/9/13)
10) Adjournment