
December 5, 2013

Snow removal update 12/5/13

Update from Birch Lawn: 

"Overnight and early this morning our crews are finishing up our plowing and shoveling.  This storm brought in quite a mixture of precipitation and steadily falling temperatures with it, and now some extreme wind and dangerous wind[chills]. 

With the very high moisture content of the snow, mixed in with sleet and rain and now the cold temps the snow packed down to form a compacted snow/ice layer.  No matter how we plowed the snow it still left a layer on top of the driveway, sidewalks, and street.  Please be aware that some icy conditions do exist and caution residents to be very careful.  If your property needs to be salted or sanded, please contact our office and we will get it scheduled to be treated."

Residents with questions or specific needs should contact: 
Jennifer Campbell - (763) 225-6462