
April 30, 2013

Historic Homes of Minnesota

Here's an interesting blog on a subject that many of you might enjoy.  Historic Homes of Minnesota

Bridge Landscape Improvements

Last week, the Master Board approved a proposal to install irrigation equipment and landscaping at the bridge between Pratt Homes' Creek Side Villas and VG's Single Family Village.  Goetz Landscape and Aquatec will begin work in the next few months.   

The landscaping will tie in with the other Victor Gardens landscaped areas.  Many of the same plants have been chosen, keeping the area a consistent with the rest of the neighborhood.

landscape plan
plant choices

April 29, 2013

Empowered Parenting Seminar - Rescheduled

Empowered Parenting presented by Jamie Waldvogel, MS, BCBA
Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Owner, Behave Your Best, LLC

Our most important role as parents is to teach our children all about the world around them. Capitalizing on the power of positive reinforcements can help prevent behavioral challenges and can turn even the most challenging moments into teachable moments. Come to this seminar to learn more about reinforcement and how to incorporate it into your interactions with your child to make your job of being a parent less stressful and more enjoyable, while maximizing teaching moments.

Cost is $10 per person or $15 per family
Tuesday, April 30th 6:15-7:45pm
KinderGardens, 14665 Mercantile Drive N Hugo, MN 55038
Sign-up Sheet located at KinderGardens Front Desk.
Call: 651-204-5101

April 28, 2013

Thanks For Your Generosity!

Yesterday, Hugo Troop 151 Boy Scouts and Pack 151 Cub Scouts picked up donations for local food shelves.  I'm happy to report that they collected a record 1900 pounds of donations, that's 400 pounds more than the previous year.  Thanks to everyone who participated in this effort!