
June 20, 2013

Pool Key Fobs - Update

Victor Gardens Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell has been in contact with the service provider that maintains the electronic key fob entry system.  The system reportedly is working as intended and is back to normal.

Individuals who are having difficulties with their key fobs should contact Jennifer directly:
Jennifer Campbell, CMCA, AMS,
Victor Gardens Community Manager
Direct: (763) 225-6462

Please remember:
  •  The Master Board revokes pool privileges and disables key fobs if owner's dues/assessment accounts aren't current.  
  • Do not open the pool door for anyone other than your family or up to four guests.
  • A date stamped video recording system and unique electronic key codes assist the Community Manager in determining who is using the pool at any given time.
  • Please be aware that in the past, the Master Board has revoked pool privileges for owners/families/guests who allow others into the pool area.  
  • Privileges are revoked for rules violations.
  • Please also remember one of the pool's rules that some aren't following: Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.

June 19, 2013

Pool Key Fobs Temporarily Not Working

A few minutes ago, a pool key problem was reported to our Community Manager, Jennifer Campbell.  She's already working with a vendor on a solution.  

Our Victor Gardens Community Manager the best person to report problems to:

Jennifer Campbell, CMCA, AMS,
Victor Gardens Community Manager
Direct: (763) 225-6462

June 18, 2013

Businesses wanted for Night to Unite- August 6th

Dear Local Business Owner,

I would like to invite you and your business to Victor Garden’s Night to Unite (National Night Out) celebration. Night to Unite is Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 from 6-8pm. Our celebration will be held at Arbre Park in Hugo. Our neighborhood social committee has been hosting a large neighborhood party during Night to Unite for more than five years. We typically have more than 300 people who enjoy visiting with neighbors, bounce houses, food, visits from police and fire, and more. Each year we strive to make it bigger and better. This year we would like to invite local businesses to advertise or sell their products during the event. If you are interested in setting up a table we are asking for a $25 donation to help offset the cost of the event. 

Please let us know if you are interested in advertising your business at Night to Unite in Victor Gardens. 
If you are unable to attend, but would still like your business advertised, please let us know.
We are thankful to KinderGardens Child Development center for donating one of the bounce houses at the event this year! 
We are so thankful to have such great businesses within our community!

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Kelly Farrell
Co-Chair, Social Events Committee
Victor Gardens

Lisa Houchins
Co-Chair, Social Events Committee
Victor Gardens

June 16, 2013

Root Beer Float Night- Tuesday, June 18th

We need your help to make the root beer float night happen this Tuesday, June 18th from 6:30-7:30 at the Pool House!  We need a volunteer by Monday night in order for this event to run.  An easy and fun activity for the whole family... set-up a table, serve ice cream, keep food out of the pool area, visit with neighbors and clean-up.  Please contact Lisa at if you can help.  We also need volunteers for ice cream nights on Th, July 18 and Wed, Aug 21st.  Thanks for your help!