
March 23, 2014

Mark your Calendars!!!

What is happening this year in your neighborhood?
Are you on facebook?  Like "Victor Gardens News" for the most up to date information about events.

Saturday, April 12th - 4:00 at Arbre Park
Easter egg hunt and petting zoo.  The egg hunt will start promptly at 4:00 for all age groups.  Please bring a bag or basket for your goodies.  Following the egg hunt plan to stay to enjoy the petting zoo.  Bring quarters for animal feed.  We ask you to be patient.  Not every child will be able enjoy the animals immediately following the egg hunt but everyone will get a turn.  The petting zoo will run from 4:15-5:15. 

Friday, May 2nd - Movie in Val Jean Park
Friday, Sept 12th- Movie in Val Jean Park
Movie (TBD) will begin at dark.  Bring your blanket and lawnchairs and enjoy some treats and an outdoor movie.

Tuesday, June 10th - 6:30-7:30 at Activity Center
Wednesday, July 16th - 6:30-7:30 at Activity Center
Thursday, August 21st - 6:30-7:30 at Activity Center
Root Beer Floats & Sundaes.  Enjoy a cool treat on your way to the pool or after sports practice.  Please remember that all food must be enjoyed outside of the pool enclosure.

Monday, July 21st - 6:30 at Arbre Park
Family fun for all ages.  30 minute show by Captain Curly followed by balloon sculptures.

Tuesday, August 5th - 6:00 - 8:00 at Arbre Park
Night to Unite.  Dinner, games, bounce houses, fire and police visits, face painting and more!  Fun for all ages!

Other events... dates TBD
- Guys golf outing at Tanner's Brook (September)
- October Adult night - Olive Branch or Wine Tasting
- Adult Holiday party at Blue Heron (December)
- Flips Gymnastics (December)

Mark your calendars so you don't miss any of the fun.  Also consider giving an hour of your time to help!  All events are run by volunteers... we need your help!  When the same people run all the events they get burned out... and remember the other volunteers have families too and would like to spend some of the events with their own kids.  If you would like to volunteer or have an idea for an event please contact Kelly: or 651-238-6660 or Lisa: or 651-353-2619.