
April 19, 2014

Next Saturday - Scouts collect food donations

Your home will be visited next Saturday morning, April 26, by Hugo's Boys Scout Troop 151, Cub Scout Pack 151 or one of Hugo's Girl Scout Troops to collect non-perishable food items and cash donations for Hugo's Good Neighbors Food Shelf.  If you're not planning to be home, you can leave donations on your front porch for the Scouts to collect.
The current needs of the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf include: hearty soups (no tomato, please), canned pasta, canned meat (tuna and chicken), canned fruit, mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, pasta, coffee, pancake mix and syrup, beef stew, boxed potatoes, flour, sugar and baking supplies.  Financial donations area always welcome as they are able to purchase food at very discounted rates.

Over the last few years, Scouting for Food has become increasingly successful.  The Scouts hope that with their combined efforts this year, they'll beat last year's record of 1900 pounds of food donations.
