
April 16, 2014

Update: Tree & Brush Removal from Pipeline Right-of-Way

UPDATE 4/16/14:
To All Concerned: 
The clearing in your neighborhood has been postponed for a few weeks.  We did get the Right of Way marked. I will send a new e-mail before work will be done and set up a time to meet with homeowners that have concerns before work is started.
Thank You.
Tim Flansburg
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
4501 103rd Ct NE Ste 180
Circle Pines MN 55014
763-785-2300 (Office)
612-719-8540 (Mobile)
UPDATE 4/8/14:

Victor Gardens Residents,
I just received the following email regarding clearing trees and brush within a pipeline right-of-way.  Please direct your questions to the person listed below:

To All Concerned:
The Asplundh Tree Expert Co. will start marking the right of way next Monday April 14th .  This work will be done for KOCH Pipeline . We will be clearing brush and trees in the ROW. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me or e-mail me at . This is done for safety reasons to keep ROW free of tree roots and obstructions. The tree work will be started the following week to give all time for any concerns to be addressed.

Thank You !!

Tim Flansburg
Asplundh Tree Expert Co.
4501 103rd Ct NE Ste 180
Circle Pines MN 55014
763-785-2300 (Office)
612-719-8540 (Mobile)