
May 29, 2014

Summer is here!

Start summer vacation off with an outdoor movie.  Despicable Me 2 will be shown at dark on Friday, June 6th in Valjean Park.  Bring your lawn chair, blanket, and bug spray to enjoy a movie with your neighbors.  Snacks provided.

We are also continuing with our root beer float tradition!  Root beer floats and ice cream sundaes will be served at the pool house on Tuesday, June 10 from 6:30-7:30 (or when ice cream is gone).  Please remember that no food may be brought into the pool area.  Help remind your neighbors to respect the rules so we can continue to host this fun, free event!

We need your help with both events! 
- Movie night: volunteer to monitor food and help serve popcorn (keep the kids dirty hands out of the bags!). 
- Ice cream night: two volunteers (kids welcome!).  To serve ice cream and remind people to keep it out of pool area. 
- Everything you need will be there!

Please contact Lisa at or 651-353-2619 to help!!!