
July 8, 2014

REMINDER: VG Master Board Meeting July 9

Victor Gardens Community Association
3”‘ Quarter 2014 Board of Directors Meeting
July 9, 2014 - 6:00pm
Victor Gardens Activity Center

 Meeting Agenda

Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes from (4/9/14) Board Meeting (Secretary to sign)
Homeowner Forum
Consent Agenda
a) Second security check by Semper Fi
Management Financial Reports — suggest we table discussion due to large agenda
a) Balance Sheet
b) Income Statement
c) General Ledger
d) Accounts Receivable
e) Accounts Payable
Management Report
a) Work Order Report
b) Activity Center HVAC
i) AC repair bids
ii) Heating issues proposals
Additional Holiday Lighting Analysis
Poets Green Fountain
i) Attorney opinion on maintain common elements as installed by Developer
ii) Cost analysis of planter vs. fountain restoration
e) Additional Fountain on North Side — Estimated Cost Information
f) Irrigation at Grantaire Circle
i) Proposal from Birch
Spring Walk Results Discussion
Key Fob System - in 2015/16 current system as is will no longer be supported
due to current operating system being phased out
i) City of Hugo — sign and flowers
j) Victor Gardens Website
Committee Reports
a) ARC Committee
b) Long-term Planning Committee
i) Resignation of the Committee Chairs
Landscape Committee
i) Val Jean Bridge Improvements Complete
Review of Action Items & Time Frames for Completion
Next Meeting — 10.8.14
10) Adjournment

July 7, 2014

Neighborhood Social Events

Do you enjoy neighborhood events- National Night Out, movies in the park, the Easter Egg Hunt and more?  Are you will to give some extra time to make sure these events continue?  After three years Kelly and Lisa will be stepping back from the social committee at the end of the year.  We are looking for two (or more) people to take over planning National Night Out and other neighborhood events. If you have questions or are interested, please contact Kelly ( or 651-238-6660) or Lisa ( or 651-353-2619).

Upcoming Events

Root Beer/ Ice Cream Float Night

Wed, July 16th from 6:30-7:30 at the pool house
Come enjoy free ice cream treats while visiting with your neighbors.  Please remember to keep all food outside the pool area.

Volunteers needed to make this event happen.  All supplies will be provided.  Please contact Lisa at or 651-353-2619 with questions or to help.

Family Night at Arbre Park

Monday, July 21st at 6:30. 
Come enjoy a show by Captain Curley.  A great family show for all ages.  He comes highly recommended by the kids at KinderGardens.

National Night Out

Tuesday, Aug 5th at Arbre Park
Bounce Houses, dinner from Grundhoffers, face painters, dance demo, crazy hair and more!  More details to follow.

We need MANY volunteers to make this event happen.  Please contact Kelly at or 651-238-6660 with questions or to help.