
November 19, 2014

Thanks for giving... this Saturday morning.

Your home will be visited this coming Saturday morning, November 22, by Hugo's Boys Scout Troop 151, Cub Scout Pack 151 or one of Hugo's many Girl Scout Troops to collect non-perishable food and personal item donations.

You'll likely see familiar faces as there are many Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts (and volunteer leaders) living right here in our Victor Gardens neighborhood.

If you're not planning to be home Saturday morning, you can leave donations on your front porch for the Scouts to collect. You can also leave any donations from now through Saturday on Viker's front porch at 4545 Garden Way N.

Over the last few years "Scouting for Food / Feeding the Need" has become increasingly successful. They've collected thousands of pounds of donations that are distributed to Hugo families. The Scouts hope that you'll support their efforts again as you have so generously in the past.

Thanks again and see you Saturday morning!

Hugo's Good Neighbors Food shelf currently needs:

From past experience, we know that a few of you shop specifically for this annual event. (That's amazing!) We appreciate any donations, but there are a few categories the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf needs now: Diapers, baby care items, personal care items, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo/conditioner, paper towels, toilet paper, bar soap, and laundry detergent.

Nonperishable items are always welcome including hearty soups, canned pasta, canned meat (tuna and chicken), canned fruit, mac & cheese, spaghetti sauce, pasta, coffee, pancake mix and syrup, beef stew, boxed potatoes, flour, sugar and baking supplies.

November 18, 2014

Flips Open Gym

Are the kids aching to get out to run and play?  Bring them to our neighborhood open gym at Flips Gymnastics in WBL on Sunday, Dec 28th from 4-5:30.  This is a special open gym just for Victor Gardens residents!  Kids can play on the equipment and a bounce house will be available.  For kids 1 - 12 years (kids under 3 must have a parent with them on the floor).  Parents are not allowed on the equipment.  Cost is $8/ child.  First 25 kids to RSVP will get in free!

Waiver needed if you have never been there.  You can find it under "events" at or fill it out upon arrival.

RSVP needed no later than Wed, Dec 17th.  RSVP to Lisa at 651-353-2619 (call or text) or  Payment due upon arrival (cash or checks to Lisa Houchins - I will write one check for the group).  Remember the first 25 kids to RSVP will get in free!

November 17, 2014

Adults Holiday Gathering

Haven't seen your neighbors since the snow flew?  Join us at Blue Heron on Sat, Dec 6th from 7:30- 9:30.  Get out of the house and enjoy some free appetizers.