
January 24, 2015

Changes to the Social Committee in 2015

After 3 years Kelly Farrell has decided to step back from leading the social committee.  If you see Kelly please thank her for all her hard work over the last 3 years (especially her work on National Night Out!). 

We welcome Kasey Birch as the new co-chair of the social committee.  Kasey and Lisa are working to plan events and budget for 2015.  If you have any suggestions, concerns, or would like to volunteer to run an event please let us know! 

Kasey: or 763-300-5683
Lisa: or 651-353-2619

Check back in the next couple of week for a more complete list of events but for now mark your calendar for Sat, March 28th at 4:00 for the annual egg hunt and petting zoo!  Hope to see you there!