
April 11, 2015

Scouting for Food & Feeding the Need update

Update: 4/11/15 2pm

We have great news!  Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts have completed their collection drive for today.  Together, these teams fanned out throughout the City of Hugo and collected over 2425 pounds of donations.  That's a 46% increase over last November's effort.

Even with over 100 volunteers, covering nearly every neighborhood in Hugo is a big task.  It's possible that Scout teams, however, were not able to make it to your home this morning. We did miss a few bags and we're working to pick them up this afternoon and tomorrow.

To request a pickup, please email .  Please leave your address and unit number.  Alternatively, you can drop off any donations to the front porch at 4545 Garden Way N. this weekend.  We'll make sure they're delivered to the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf right away.

- MV