
June 9, 2015

Summer is here!

Summer is finally here!  The pool is open... if you are having trouble accessing the pool building with your keyfob please contact Jennifer Campbell at Community Development  (763) 225-6462 or  Please be respectful of others in the neighborhood.  Remember there is a guest limit of 4 people, please keep food outside the pool area, and clean up after yourself.

Ice Cream Sundae/ Root Beer Float Nights at the pool house
- Thursday, June 25th 6:30- 7:30
- Monday, July 20th 6:30- 7:30
Free!  Come enjoy a summer treat while visiting with your neighbors.  We will begin serving ice cream at 6:30 and will continue until either 7:30 or when the ice cream runs out.  We do need volunteers for both dates to serve ice cream.  This is a great opportunity to volunteer with your kids.  Please contact Lisa at if you can help.

National Night Out
Tuesday, August 4th from 6-8 at Arbre Park.  Bounce houses, food, face painting, games and much more!  More information to come but mark your calendar now so you don't miss out on this fun evening.

Are you willing to volunteer but find it hard to make scheduled events due to your busy schedule?  We have the job for you!!!  One of our signs is looking for a new keeper.  You will receive an email about a week ahead of time with a lettering suggestion and dates for the sign to be out.  Summer is typically the busiest because it tends to be when most of our events are. Please contact Lisa at with questions or to volunteer. 

Do you have an idea for a fun neighborhood event?  We would love to hear from you with fresh ideas!  Please contact Lisa at to volunteer.  We have money in the budget available if needed.