
February 9, 2015

Is this your dog?

Lab found in Victor Gardens

REUNITED: From Otter Lake Animal Care
Her owner has reclaimed her!
Date found 02-07-15 Date reunited 02-11-15

Previous message....
This dog was found in Victor Gardens on Garden Way North early Saturday morning.  Can you help find her owner?

Date Found: 02-07-2015 3:30 AM
Breed of Dog: Labrador Retriever
City where found: Hugo
Nearest Intersection? Garden Way North
Zip Code: 55038
Gender: Female
Neutered / Spayed? Unknown
Color or Markings: gray around face
Approximate weight: 50-60 lbs
Approximate Age: Senior
Have you checked the dog for microchip? Yes, no microchip was found
Dog was wearing: Wearing Collar, Wearing Tags
Any information on how found, description information, color of collar, etc. : Wearing choke chain and rabies tag - will be pursued.
**This dog is not for adoption - finder will only accept calls/emails regarding locating this dog's family**
Where is the dog being held? Otter Lake Animal Care Center
Contact's name: Brittany Harmon
Contact's Phone Number: (715) 220-1332
Alternate Phone Number: (612) 616-6135
Contact's E-mail: