The City of Hugo has been notified of concerns with grills on decks of multi-family buildings. After discussions with the City, Fire Chief, and Fire Marshal and review of the Minnesota State Fire Code, the City would like to clarify its position on such matter:
The City of Hugo recognizes that during the warmer months of the year, residents enjoy spending time outside, grilling. The City Council did not believe in prohibiting such activity and believes residents of Hugo can use sound judgment when using this summertime luxury.
Appendix H in the State Fire Code relates to regulating fires or barbecues on balconies or patios. However, the rules in Appendix H are optional rules and are only enforceable if the appendix is specifically adopted by a local ordinance. The Hugo City Council considered adopting such an ordinance in 2009, but after significant discussion at several public meetings, the Council decided to prohibit turkey fryers and fire pits, but they did not prohibit grills.
The City of Hugo would like to remind residents to take precautions while grilling to reduce the likelihood of starting a fire.
If residents should have any questions or concerns on this matter, please feel free to contact the Hugo Fire Marshal.
Thank you for your interest in this matter and have a wonderful summer.
Colin Emans
Hugo Fire Marshal 612-384-0583
July 8, 2015
Anoka-Washington Judicial Ditch 3 Historical Review Public Information Meeting
The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) will be holding an informational meeting Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 6:30p.m. in the Hugo City Hall council chambers, 14669 Fitzgerald Avenue No., Hugo, Minnesota. Information will be presented regarding Anoka-Washington Judicial Ditch 3, including a discussion on how the RCWD is proposing to correct the drainage system record, which includes the functional alignment, dimension and grade of this public drainage system. A map of the system can be found at or at the District office at 4325 Pheasant Ridge Dr. NE, Suite 611, Blaine, MN 55449. 763-398-3070