
March 29, 2016

Victor Gardens News Website Administrator

After many years of volunteer service, Mark Vlker is ready to retire from administering the Victor Gardens News website. After reviewing the alternative options/costs (including having the community management company manage) the Master HOA board has approved the creation of a paid website administrator ($100 per month of service). Here are the details of the position:

Technology we use:
  • Google sites
  • Google calendar
  • Facebook
  • Campaign Monitor (bulk email distribution to subscribers - MailChimp would also work)
  • Write weekly blog posts based on info provided by board or committee members and Community Managers. (Example: board meeting announcements, pool updates, maintenance projects, new construction info, lawn care offers, window washing services, etc.)
  • Share content from other online sources. (Examples: local parks events, city/county news, etc.)
  • Maintain/ update Google calendar.
  • Update website periodically with refreshed content (Examples: Community Manager contact info updates, board membership changes, new policies, etc.)
Please send an email to with a brief response as to your interest and qualifications.