
April 29, 2016

Vacant property discussion

The Victor Gardens Community Association, or “Master Board”, along with the Long Term Planning Committee, will be holding a special meeting to discuss the vacant space near the Neighborhood Activity Center. As owners and residents of Victor Gardens, the Master Board is very interested in hearing what YOU would like done with the space. If you would like to voice your opinion about the amenities at Victor Gardens, the meeting is:

Wednesday, May 11 6pm
Victor Gardens Activity Center
14575 Victor Hugo Blvd
Hugo, MN 55038

This will be an informal, discussion-based meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, please provide something to me in writing so I can pass it along to the appropriate parties.

Thank you for your time and attention. Have a lovely weekend!


Colleen Brown
Community Manager

Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N. Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Main:  763-225-6400
Customer Service: 763-746-1188