
June 11, 2016

Unauthorized VG Pool Access June 10

Regardless of excuses (lost key fob, non-working key fob, left key fob at home, etc.), under no circumstance should any resident/owner allow anyone other than their own household members and up to four guests access to VG's pool or Neighborhood Activity Center. 

The Master Association's Board of Directors has the authority to revoke pool privileges of anyone who violates this policy.

On Friday evening, June 10, prior the pool's closing time Washington County Sheriff's Deputies responded to the Victor Gardens Activity Center & Pool. The response was the result of a surveillance report of an individual jumping the pool's security fence earlier in the evening.

Deputies discussed the situation with a few individuals and an Incident Complaint Report was filed. Victor Gardens Community Association ("the Master Association") and the Community Manager has been notified and will follow-up next week. Video surveillance from multiple cameras will be reviewed and cross referenced with the building's key fob electronic access log.

In and around the pool and surrounding area, video-surveillance footage is collected from multiple cameras. Each key fob swipe at the door is identifiable to a specific owner and time-stamped. This makes it easier to cross-reference the video surveillance and determine which owner's key fob was used to allow access.

Residents are reminded to not allow access to anyone who is not a household member or up to four guests. Fence jumping, sneaking in, or holding the door open is never allowed.  Violations should be reported to the Washington County Sheriff's Non-Emergency line, (651) 439-9381 and the Master Association's Management Company, Associa Minnesota. Customer Service, (763) 746-1188.