
March 9, 2016

Egg Hunt and other upcoming events

Annual Victor Gardens Egg Hunt and Petting Zoo

Egg hunt and petting zoo will be held on Sat, March 19th at 4:00pm Arbre Park.  Please arrive a bit early so your kids don't miss out.  Bring a bag to collect goodies from the eggs.  Petting zoo will immediately follow.

Help needed for Egg Hunt

- Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30pm - egg filling at the activity center (pool house).  Children are welcome.
- Saturday, March 19th at 3:00pm - set-up.  Please meet at the pool house to collect supplies before traveling to Arbre Park.
- RSVP to Kasey at 763-300-5683 to help.

Mark your calendar for additional events

- April 10th - Flips Gymnastics open gym.
- May 29th - Movie night at Valjean Park
- June 24th - Root beer floats at activity center
- July 18th - Magic in the park family event
- Aug 2nd - National Night Out
- Aug 24th - Root beer floats at activity center
- Sep 23rd - Movie night at Valjean Park

More information to follow.  If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above events or are willing to plan another event please contact Kasey at 763-300-5683

Help needed on events committee

New faces are needed to plan events in the neighborhood.  Kasey needs a co-chair as well as other committee members to help with budgeting, planning, advertising and coordinating volunteers for events.  New ideas are always welcome!  For more information contact Kasey at 763-300-5683