
May 19, 2016

Pool Access tied to Association Dues

Reminder: Victor Gardens' pool will open Memorial Day weekend. Ensure your association dues are current. Owners with delinquent accounts may find their pool access key fob restricted.

Two Board Meetings on July 13

On July 13, two seperate Board of Directors meetings are planned for the same evening.  This is intentional.  Starting at 6pm at Victor Gardens Neighborhood Community Center, the Victor Gardens Community Association ("Master") Board will meet.  Starting at 7pm, the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association will pick up discussion of an issue that the Master Board will discuss at the end of it's meeting.  

Since Gene's Disposal started using longer trucks for recycling and trash pickup, they've been driving onto grass covered yards along the Garden Way carriageway, unable to make a tighter turn.  This results in yard damage.

VG's Master Board and VG's Single Family Village Board will discuss potential remedies. Residents are encouraged to attend and contribute to the discussion.