
June 2, 2016

Empty Nester Happy Hour June 21

Tria Restaurant, 5959 Centerville Rd, North Oaks, MN 55127
Attention Empty Nesters of Victor Gardens!
We are planning a Happy Hour for Empty Nesters at Tria for Tuesday, June 21.
We will meet at 4:30 on the patio at Tria. We can socialize with old friends and meet some of our new neighbors. If you would kindly RSVP to Lynn Olson at by Friday June 17. Hope to see you there.

June 1, 2016

Garage Sale Season

Garage Sales Season is starting.  Reply to the post on the Facebook to get your sale added here.

Thursday, June 2 - Friday, June 3
Heritage Ponds Neighborhood Sales
- Book sale on Fenway Ave (near Hugo water tower by Oneka Elem).  Books were donated by many local families.  All proceeds go to Hugo Food Shelf.  

Th, June 9 - Sat, June 11
Good Neighbor Days!  Lots of fun at City Hall.
Clearwater Creed Neighborhood Sales.
- Sale at 14260 Valjean Blvd
- Sale at 4618 Provence Way (6/10: 8am- 4pm, 6/11: 8am - noon)