
October 20, 2017

Schedule for Irrigation Winterizations

I received the following message from Shawn Herman regarding sprinkler blow-out services this weekend.  - MV

I am attaching the approximate schedule for this weekend. Saturday has grown to the point that I will have help for the day to get through the list in a relatively timely manner. The timeline may fluctuate a bit since this is the first time I will have two machines running on Saturday. Sunday appears to be more manageable with one machine. 

In order to accommodate everyone in a relatively timely manner just a few reminders for everyone.

Please have the water supply to the irrigation system turned off before we arrive. Clear access to the controller. Payment ready when the winterization is finished for $50.00 cash or check made out to Shawn Herman.

If there are any changes, additions or deletions, email or text today. Call or text 612-366-6088 on Saturday / Sunday since I will not be monitoring email during the day.

Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape Inc.


Saturday, Oct. 21st
8:00 AM 
Poets Green
14382 Poets Green
14348 Poets Green
14336 Poets Green

8:00 AM – 10:00AM
Garden Way South to Jardin
14322 Garden Way
14282 Garden Way
14262 Garden Way
14252 Garden Way
14246 Garden Way
14176 Garden Way

10:00 – 11:30
14160 Garden Way
14142 Jardin
14136 Jardin
14096 Jardin Ave.
14105 Jardin Ave.
14143 Jardin Ave.

11:30 – 1:00
Garden Way / Arbre
4391 Garden Way
14241 Arbre Lane
14251 Arbre Lane
4344 Arbre Lane
4362 Arbre Lane
4376 Arbre Lane

1:00 – 2:30
Garden Way North from Arbre to Victor Hugo Blvd.
14303 Garden Way
14325 Garden Way
14351 Garden Way

14326 Cosette Way

14220 Val Jean

3:00 – 4:00
4545 Garden Way
14256 Cosette Lane
14292 Cosette Lane

3:00 – 4:00
14622 Grantaire Lane
14313 Grantaire Lane
4540 Val Jean

4:00 – 5:30
4503 Cosette Lane
4489 Cosette Lane
4477 Cosette Lane
4429 Cosette Lane

4:00 – 5:00
4464 Cosette Lane
14319 Victor Hugo Blvd.
14338 Cosette Way

Sunday Oct. 22nd
11:30 AM
4653 Val Jean
4685 Val Jean

12:30 PM – 1:30
Everton Ave
14415 Everton Ave N
14435 Everton

1:30 – 3:30
4704 Provence Way
4672 Provence Way
4636 Provence Way
4611 Provence Way
4667 Provence Way

4662 Val Jean

4377 Garden Way