
August 9, 2017

August 2nd, 2017 VG Master Board Meeting Recap

The quarterly Master Board meeting was held at Hugo City Hall. The below recap details the points discussed and next steps the Master Board and / or sub-association boards are taking in the coming weeks.

Any and all Master Board and sub-association meetings are open for homeowners to join. Those meetings are listed on the calendar linked on this web page (

Homeowner Forum
Topics Raised
- SFV ARC change applications and approval processes
- Boulevard trees, both homeowner and master board maintained
- Violations to bylaws, rules & covenants and necessary actions
- Overall spend on maintenance, pool, landscaping related to master board maintained 
- Fountain at Poet’s Green

New Builds at North Village
We heard details about a building (4 units) currently under construction in the North Village and next steps to amend the units into the master association. Those units are being added to the North Village sub association, but the steps to add into the master are more detailed (must have 66% approval from all homeowners in the VG association). Evan Leach will draft a new consent form including a cover with explanation that will be both e-mailed and USPS mailed to all homeowners.

Previous Board Decisions
The board reviewed previous decisions related to landscaping (removal of invasive species, dead trees, pruning in outlets). An outstanding claim for hail damage was also discussed, but Colleen is awaiting more details - all is moving forward properly.

We also discussed reaching out to the Rice Creek Watershed District to discuss invasive species on watershed managed property and how to prevent them spreading further into homeowner properties.

New Business
ARC Applications - We are in the process of reviewing how builders submit applications, the review process and potentially a new process that will validate and confirm plans were followed throughout the build / color / landscape process. The Master Board will continue to refine and communicate changes to new builders via the New Builder Packet and through the VG News website.

Website - The Victor Gardens News website is an accurate source of materials, maintained and authored by homeowners. Associa does manage other websites for associations like ours, and the Master Board voted to move forward evaluating Associa managing a new website for Victor Gardens. More details are to come; the goal is to increase and widen the communications of all boards to the entire association. 

Next Steps
SFV Board Meeting - The next meeting is scheduled for 8/21 at 7pm. Topics to discuss are the covenants and rules compliance, process of reviewing Change Applications, a potential change of service with Associa to help the SFV Association with increased oversight and involvement, and upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Neighborhood Walkthroughs - The Board(s) are committed to continuing regular walkthroughs of the neighborhoods to evaluate any common grounds, violations that need action taken and to take note of any necessary repairs to maintain our neighborhood.

Next Master Board Meeting - Tentatively, the schedule puts the next board meeting around 10/11/17. Once finalized, the date will be posted to the website.

As a reminder, if anyone in the association has any questions about the Master Board, ARC boards, sub association boards, please reach out to the Master Board members listed in this recap, or directly to Colleen Brown (

Thanks, and let’s continue to work together to make Victor Gardens our home.
The Master Board