
October 5, 2017

Another auto break-in

Today, we received a note from a resident whose car had been broken into last night and a purse stolen. Be vigilant against break-ins:
  • Garage your car if possible.
  • Lock your car, close windows
  • Take your keys with you
  • Never keep valuables inside.  
  • Stow phone charging cords, navigation, adapters and other items attractive to thieves.
  • Leave your home's exterior lights on overnight.

October 4, 2017

Irrigation Winterizations

Fall is in the air and it's again time to winterize your irrigation system.  Shawn Herman with Classic Lawnscape has been offering our neighborhood a group rate of $50/ lawn (cash or check payable to Shawn Herman).  The group rate will be valid the weekend of October 21 and 22THIS PRICE IS ONLY GOOD ON THIS WEEKEND. 

Other times can be scheduled if this does not work for you but regular season rates will apply.

This is the tentative route he would use for the weekend based on last year numbers to help give residents a rough estimate of where they would be on the schedule.

On Sat. the 21st the route starts at about 8 AM on Poets Green then to Garden Way West side of street heading south.  Around Jardin to Garden Way (usually mid morning), up Arbre, and around to catch the east side of Garden Way(usually early afternoon).  Then head east around to Cosette Way and take Victor Hugo down to Garden Way.  Go around the Park and back up the east side of Cosette Lane (mid to late afternoon) around to Victor Hugo.  From there I will head east down Val Jean to the Bridge.  Depending on response I will probably stop here due to darkness.

On the 22nd the start time will depend on number of participants.  It probably would not be before 11 am.  I would begin again on Val Jean from the bridge heading east to Everton.  North on Everton, east side of street, to Provence.  Around Provence back down west side of Everton to Val Jean.  Then west down Val Jean to the Bridge.

As usual timing/scheduling will be totally dependent on the number participating and if there are any unforeseen problems encountered during the day. 

Please contact Shawn directly with questions or to signup.

Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape Inc.
Cell/text – 612-366-6088.