
May 23, 2018

Summer Reminders

Now that we’re getting into the summer season, here are a few reminders about the covenants and rules in Victor Gardens….

Any and all signs advertising contractors, roofing services, schools, etc. are not permitted. "For Sale" signs are allowed. Please remove non-permitted signs to avoid any violations and potential fees.

The pool will be opening Friday - please follow all rules and regulations when using the pool. Quick reminders of pool etiquette…
  • There is no lifeguard on duty; swim at your own risk!
  • No food or glass beverages are allowed at the pool.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed at the pool.
  • Drunkenness is not allowed and intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the pool (and/or the Washington County Sheriff will be called).
  • Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
  • A full list of activity center & pool rules can be found here -
Please also be aware...
  • Cameras and recording equipment are present. 
  • To report unauthorized pool access, dangerous situations or vandalism, contact the Washington County Sheriff.
    • Emergency: Dial 911
    • Non-Emergency: Dial (651) 439-9381
  • Your pool key fob has an identification code unique to you. Each swipe is logged and recorded.  
  • Don't open the door for others. (If someone causes issues and your key fob allowed them pool access, you’ll lose your pool privileges.)
  • If your key fob doesnt work: Contact Victor Gardens Community Association's Management Company, Associa Minnesota. Customer Service phone: 763-746-1188. Colleen Brown, of Associa Minnesota is Victor Gardens Community Association's Community Manager. Most instances of key fobs not working relate to dues payment issues or priveledge revocation by the Board.

Single Family Village Residents:

For all Single Family residents, an application for exterior improvements needs to be submitted and approved before any work begins. Examples of improvements that need approval include, but are not limited to: 
  • Fences, Decks/Patios, Retaining Walls, Landscape Changes, Exterior Painting, Satellite Dishes, Play Lots, etc.
The Governing Documents also stipulate rules for the Single Family Village. A few common rules that everyone should be aware of:
  • Garbage cans are required to be stored in a garage and should be put away before 10am the day after garbage collection.
  • Sports equipment (hockey nets, basketball hoops, trampolines, etc) should be stored in a garage overnight and not left out.
  • Boulevard trees - replacement, maintenance and upkeep - are the responsibility of the homeowner.